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Why people believe in the unbelievable?

Guys, are you agree that almost everyone has few superstitions about something? I think it's true and superstitions are an important part...

What's the future of Reading?

What role does reading play in your life and how important are books in early childhood? In my opinion the more that you read, the more...

Save the environmet to save Life!

Our planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole and the weather is completely different from what it was like twenty years ago. I'm...

Weekend Adventure

Hi friends, how was your weekend? This Saturday we visited the Amish community in Lancaster County in Pennsylvania. Many Amish look like...

What should couples have in common?

Guys, what should couples have in common? My best friend Eva and her boyfriend Mike are different in many ways, but they have one...

Are family traditions important?

Hi guys! Would like to ask you something...are family traditions important? In my opinion having traditions gives your family something...

Do you dress to impress?

Dear friends, wanted to ask you what do you think about women's fashion? I think women are just trying to impress other men when they...

Why is Society so competitive?

Dear friends, why is society so competitive nowadays? People talk about equal opportunities, but in fact, men have all the power. In many...

Pet psychologist...why not?

Hi dear friends, how are you? Do you have a pet or are you planning to have one? Here in the USA pets get the red carpet treatment....

Is Monogamy unnatural nowadays?

Morning friends, how are you doing? Yesterday night few of my friends came over and we discussed a very interesting topic. Can a man...

Do you Believe in Myths?

Guys, do you Believe in Myths and are you superstitious? Some people think that certain objects bring them good luck, others avoid...

How Big you want your Family to be?

Hello friends, today I would like to talk with you about kids, how big you want your family to be? I was growing up in small family and I...

An Early bird or a Night owl?

Hi dear friends! Always wanted to ask you, are you a night owl or an early bird? There are morning and night people. They live very...

Don't be afraid to dream. You don't need to accept limitations others put in you.


Take yourself seriously. Pursue your dreams with convictions.


Don't try to do it all alone. Seek out the people resources you need.


Don't talk About your plans too much. Spend the Energy making things happen.


Alwas appear confident, even if you don't always feel that way inside. 


Think positively. Don't let yourself think negative through for very long.


Don't be afraid to all. All successful people Will fail and learn a lot from it.


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